SEAI Reveals €1.75 billion in Public Energy savings with SensorCIS
SensorCIS, developed by Ultan Technologies, continues to be the reporting tool used to provide public bodies with energy efficiency performance information, facilitating the achievement of 2030 targets. The 2023 report finds that public sector bodies improved energy efficiency by 32.5% in 2022, up from 31% in 2021

Monitoring & Reporting Tool (MRS)
Ultan Technologies’ SensorCIS continues to be the reporting tool used to provide public bodies with energy efficiency performance information, facilitating the achievement of 2030 targets. The 2022 report finds that public sector bodies improved energy efficiency by 31.5% in 2021, down from 34% in 2020.
This decline is likely a result of increased consumption following the easing of certain COVID-19 restrictions. However, there are positive aspects to note: non-electricity greenhouse gas emissions have decreased by 3%, and total emissions have decreased by 14% relative to the average baseline from 2016-2018.

This increase is a positive sign, demonstrating the public sector’s resilience and commitment to energy efficiency despite the ongoing challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, fossil CO2 emissions have decreased by 3.5%, and total emissions have decreased by 17% relative to the average baseline from 2017-2019.

The Wrap-Up
Improved Reporting Compliance: Public sector organisations have shown an admirable commitment to reporting their energy consumption, with a significant increase from 99.1% to 99.5% among schools. This substantial leap in reporting compliance signifies a robust foundation for monitoring and managing energy usage across the public sector.
Energy Efficiency Progress: The report indicates an increase in energy efficiency compared to the previous year’s rate of 31%. This progress, despite the ongoing pandemic, underscores the public sector’s dedication to achieving energy efficiency targets.
Positive Emissions Reduction: Despite the challenges, there is encouraging news on the emissions front. Non-electricity greenhouse gas emissions have decreased by 4.5%, and total emissions have reduced by 17% relative to the 2017-2019 average baseline. These reductions reflect concerted efforts to mitigate the environmental impact of the public sector’s operations.
Future Outlook: Looking ahead, the aim is to achieve full reporting compliance for all public bodies, including schools, to ensure a comprehensive understanding of energy consumption. By fostering greater participation and engagement, the public sector can drive targeted initiatives, further improve energy efficiency, and pave the way for a sustainable future.

Insights: Diving Deeper
The tenth annual report on the energy efficiency performance of public bodies in Ireland showed that the energy efficiency performance achieved for 2022 is a commendable result, representing €330 million in cost savings.
This 32.5% improvement represents proactive engagement by all public bodies and their Energy Performance Officers since the introduction of the Public Sector Energy Efficiency Strategy.
Data from SensorCIS was used by the SEAI to provide evidence of the public bodies’ efficiency gains through the implementation of thousands of diverse projects. Here are the key findings from the analysis of the data reported by 350 public bodies and 3,700 schools for 2022:
- Their combined total primary energy consumption was 9,500 GWh and their total energy spend was €700 million.
- This is estimated to represent 99.5% of the energy consumption of the sector.
- Annual primary energy savings of 4,500 GWh were achieved.
- The cumulative avoided primary energy saving since energy efficiency baseline amount to 35,000 GWh, while the cumulative value of energy savings over the same period is €2,300 million.
The consumption of reporting organisations represents a strong 99.5% of total public sector energy consumption. This demonstrates a significant improvement in reporting compliance among public sector entities.
It is worth noting that although the reporting compliance rate for schools in 2020 was 99.1%, there has been a remarkable increase to 99.5% in the latest report. This indicates a substantial leap in schools’ participation and commitment to reporting their energy consumption.
Moving forward, the ultimate goal is to achieve full reporting compliance for all public bodies, including every school. This will ensure a comprehensive understanding of energy consumption across the entire public sector, paving the way for targeted initiatives and further improvements in energy efficiency.

The progress made so far is commendable, and we look forward to witnessing even greater involvement and engagement from all public sector organisations in future years.
A Word from the CEO of SEAI

The SEAI 2023 Public Sector Energy Report showcases significant progress in energy reporting and emissions reduction within the public sector. While challenges in energy efficiency persist, the increased reporting compliance and positive emissions reductions are indicative of a growing commitment to sustainability. As we continue on this path, let us embrace collaboration and innovation to create a more energy-efficient and environmentally responsible public sector for generations to come.
Energy Management System
SensorCIS is used by the public bodies to report their energy consumption data. It is also being used by several organisations (including Public Bodies) to monitor their energy usage on a real-time basis. Ultan Technologies’ energy managers have helped all of their metering clients to achieve savings that are greater than the cost of the metres installed.
Talk to us here about how they did it.