Risk Assessment Module
Difficulties of Word and Excel Spreadsheets
Most risk assessments or data capture is handwritten on paper or manually entered in a Word document or Excel spreadsheet. This input type raises many challenges. Written documentation may not be clearly defined and data is more tedious to retrieve, file and analyze. The volume of paper starts to increase and trigger thresholds are difficult to establish.
In addition, once everything is corrective, how can the organization assign resources to address preventive action?
Assessments completed on paper or Word/Excel are limited with their functionality. mWorkerCIS, our HSEQ App, means you can get more out of your Risk Assessment with any mobile device.
Our risk assessment module is designed to make filling out Risk Assessment forms seamless.
Risk assessments are a common part of the HSEQ system. A field worker or site supervisor may need to complete ongoing risk assessments, a risk assessment before stepping on site or may raise issues during maintenance, inspections, audits, corrective actions and observations.
mWorkerCIS, our HSEQ App, allows the user to clearly define inputs and establish thresholds on any mobile device (phone, tablet, etc.). This includes photo/video capture, GPS tracking, signature collection, photo annotation, adding location, division, workers involved (dropdown menu for names), and time of inspection/ incident/ form filled and more.
The user can implement predictive metrics and indicators by assigning scores and weightings for each question (ex. show severity: red, amber, green), level of risk).
Features: Triggered Actions and Forms
Recorded issues/ actions, corrective actions and any ongoing/ future Risk Assessments can trigger a Risk Assessment form, which is automatically assigned to a specific user.
Quicken the communication process from the field to the office. These triggered actions include alerts, reminders and emails. Email Reports on Risk Assessment completion, email alerts on Corrective Actions due and completed or email when high priority risks are found!
Features: Track, Evaluate and Monitor Dashboards
Track Corrective Action trends, past/ planned/ completed Risk Assessments, score trends and results overtime and Corrective Action completeness using dashboards. This includes a Calendar view of all the outstanding corrective actions, completed corrective actions, etc.
Management can view a dashboard that showcases multiple site inspection scores and progress of the Corrective Action process.
Any irregularities in trends can trigger an email alert or Corrective Action task to the person responsible. Once a task is completed, another alert can be sent for review and approval.
Features: Anaylse, Schedule and Send Reports
Make data reporting available and easy to users and management. Automatically create reports on Risk Assessments, Corrective Action forms, multiple Risk Assessments and more. The Ultan Technologies team can convert any existing report template and/or make adjustments to new ones.
Ensure Management oversight and commitment. Create, export and automatically send weekly/monthly reports to other teams to remain ongoing oversight.
This is only one module in our HSEQ system. See other modules for more software capabilities and workflow options.