Energy Assessments for Department of Education: European Investment Bank with Ultan Technologies, Tipperary Energy Agency, Limerick IT, Aramark, and Trinomics
As a result of a tender from the European Investment Bank, the financing institution of the European Union (EU), Ultan Technologies, along with a consortium of other great companies, has been selected to carry out energy efficiency assessments on a subset of school buildings in Ireland for the Department of Education.
This prestigious assignment has been won with a consortium involving many leaders in national energy efficiency initiatives, including Limerick Institute of Technology (LIT), Trinomics B.V., Tipperary Energy Agency (TEA) and Aramark.
Previously, we worked together with Trinomics and LIT to support the Irish Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment (DCCAE) and the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) in creating one of the first registers of public buildings in Ireland.
TEA has been working in the area of sustainable energy communities since 1998, including Residential, Farming, Business, Public Sector, and Community organisations to deliver innovative, pioneering, and best in class projects.
Aramark Energy Services is the largest provider of strategic energy management services in the Republic of Ireland, specialising in Energy Performance Contracting, Energy Efficient Design, Energy Bureau Services and Energy Procurement.
The Assignment helps support the Climate Action Plan target of 50% improved energy efficiency to be achieved by public sector bodies by the end of 2030. In addition, the Climate Action Plan requires a new Public Sector Decarbonisation Strategy to be put in place ‘to deliver 30% emissions reduction by 2030 and to develop a roadmap to carbon neutrality by 2050.’
Over 500 school buildings will be assessed to help determine what energy efficiency measures should be put in place to ensure targets are met. The EIB on behalf of the Department of Education have engaged our consortium to carry out this work.
Ultan Technologies was selected due to its expertise in data collection software and energy management and efficiency measures. We have been working with the public sector, including schools, for the last 10 years and have built a long-standing brand in the energy efficiency space.
For example, Ultan Technologies is the development company behind the SEAI’s M&R system for the past 8 years – a system that collects large volumes of data from all of the Public Bodies and most of the Schools for the purpose of analysing their energy efficiency efforts.
We provide software services for a number of utility companies – to manage smart meters, provide billing functionality and to manage all of the utilities’ customers and operations. In addition, this software provides the Utility’s customers with interfaces to manage their energy, pay bills, compare their usage with others and more. We have also been helping individual organisations identify energy efficiency opportunities through audits and data analysis from meters that we install to measure electricity, gas, oil, water, air quality and more.
We are delighted to be collaborating in this project with so many other fantastic organisations. The fact that it will lead to several energy efficiency measures being adopted in school buildings throughout Ireland is a real bonus.
This team effort between Ultan Technologies, LIT, Trinomics, TEA and Aramark will hopefully give rise to lots more collaborative efforts with the same team members and with others.
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